Tuesday, May 22, 2012

First post on Blogger

I used to blog compulsively.  Not that many people were reading...but I thought it would help me sort through my problems, and give me something to look back on to remember the forgotten details of my life. 

I don't remember when  stopped blogging...but I think it was around the time I had a really bad experience at a party, blogged about it, and received an email from a friend (who knew everyone at that party), informing me that my blog was public, and I might want to do something about that.  I hadn't realized it was public.  That's right, I got so embarrassed I left the Internet.  Woo.

But that was years ago.  I feel as though I have changed quite a lot since then...but I'm still not the person I want to be.  I often feel unmotivated and overwhelmed, and I feel that part of the problem is that I don't take time to reflect.  I should meditate--I should also exercise--but I can't motivate myself to do it.  It's a vicious cycle.

Here's the thing: I need people.  I need people to help me understand myself, to help me stay motivated, to give me a sense of clarity and purpose.  But I don't like having roommates, or being in a relationship, either of which would provide me with the companionship I need in order to be functional.  The middle ground here is to spend time with close friends every week, and that used to be something I did...but I don't have time to do that anymore.  So...what do I do, during those times when I have nobody to talk to?


Blogging, like meditating, gives me a chance to focus on what's going on in my head.  Unlike meditating, it's something to do, rather than a state of active non-doing, so it should be easier to stay awake.  Blogging is me having a conversation with myself, and giving solid form to my nebulous thoughts.

...well, that was a half-hour spent saying "THIS IS A BLOG AND I WRITE THINGS IN IT"...

Point is, I plan to write a little every day, as a means to help me understand myself.  We'll see if it actually happens.

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